Health Care

5 remedies to relieve your cramps

relieve your cramps
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Apple cider vinegar can help prevent cramps. We can eat it or use it topically to give rub and facilitate the rest. We’ve all ever suffered the sudden and uncontrolled cramp has offered us his whiplash pain. But what happens when the cramps become continuous? What can we do when we suffer every night in our legs? Do not worry, we offer simple remedies to relieve their appearance.

Why do we suffer muscle cramps?

Cramps are involuntary muscle spasms or contractions that generate enough pain, appear suddenly and are sometimes immobilized with his uncontrollable condition. But why are there?

  • On many occasions to keep one position for a long time and stress, known triggers cramps. It is typical for example when we exercise without having warmed before.
  • Just keep in mind that an incorrect diet could also lead which suffer a higher incidence of cramps. A lack of hydration, not drinking enough water, not having enough potassium and minerals in our body, or even suffer certain diseases can produce.
  • Muscle fatigue.
  • Many medications have side effects as the onset of cramps. Hence the importance of consultation with our doctor.
  • When we sweat a lot, or when suffering many days of diarrhea, is also common to feel cramps due to imbalance of mineral salts.
  • The cold, anemia and stress are also realities to consider. Our body loses protection loses its natural balance, so they usually appear. Remember also take care of your levels of stress, such stress can also make your cramps appear.
  • Lack of vitamin E.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Also consider that immobility and sedentary lifestyle is also a factor to consider. Our muscles stop working as they should; they slow down and may even wither early. Once we reach maturity we have to improve a little more our lifestyle, since cramps may already appear greater extent.
relieve your cramps
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Tips to relieve cramps

  1. Learn to prevent cramps

Best to avoid cramps is certainly know prevent them . For it is ideal that you keep an adequate level your electrolytes, and your levels of potassium. And how do we do? you will ask yourself. Very easy. In the morning you must prepare a shake of the most nutritious and helpful based banana and kiwi. Take your blender a banana, a kiwi and half a glass of water. Mix well and drink it slowly. You’ll see so you spend the morning an excellent, well – nourished mode. And your cramps disappear.

  1. Be careful when you do exercises

You might’ve decided to do some exercise each day. Go jogging, do some swimming … it is fine. But keep in mind that you should warm up your muscles, they cannot start work soon so intensely if you have not done first few small stretches with which go by heating. Remember also not to make sudden changes in intensity in your workouts. He is progressively leveling up. This way you go preparing the muscle and avoid falling into fatigue extreme. Where cramps always appear.

You may also like to read another article on Natural-Lotion: 8 natural remedies to cure cystitis

  1. Say no to night cramps

We know it is very easy to say, but how do we get a quiet night without leg cramps? Ideal if when night comes you take a nice warm bath, then, make leg massages with oil of eucalyptus. These oils can find them in natural stores, and are wonderful to promote circulation, tone and relieve the pain of tired legs. Try it and see how your night cramps are reduced.

  1. The miracle of Buckeye

Have you heard Buckeye? It is very effective to relieve tired legs, reduce varicose veins and avoid cramps remedy. It improves our circulation thanks to its content of aescin, a great ally for toning the arteries and capillaries, strengthening the walls of veins and alleviating the symptoms of cramps. In pharmacies you can find it in cream form for realizable massages, and stores natural usual purchase in capsule form. Typically, it takes one capsule in the morning, but you have only to read their dosage in the box when you buy to know how much will be most suitable. But without doubt the horse chestnut stands as a more than excellent remedy.

  1. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar will serve both for internal and external use. It is a great tonic, promotes proper circulation and is a great ally for muscle pain. We can for example make us rub him mid-afternoon in our legs, thus get better sleep. And also, you can prepare an excellent drink to avoid cramps in other areas such as the hands. This is a tea that is made with one teaspoon of leaves of red raspberries and a cup of boiling water. Let stand for about 10 minutes, then put half a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and a little honey. You might seem a bit strange, but it is a very old remedy to reduce cramping. If you dare with him, take two cups a day. You’ll see how you do well.

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