Health Care

Benefits or advantages of water softeners

Water softeners
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Softeners our health care and appliances because they eliminate excess mineral water but do you know which to choose?

What is the descaling?

Softeners are devices that remove lime water, thus obtaining a soft water.

Water softeners
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Benefits or advantages of water softeners

  • Protect pipes, toilets and appliances (washing machines, water heaters, faucets, refrigerators, showers, etc.) of excess calcium and corrosion.
  • They help eliminate the existing “scale” in the pipes.
  • Care our skin because the water contains minerals in excess. This usually occur fewer problems of skin (itchiness, allergies, redness, etc.).
  • Easier cleaning of bathrooms and appliances.
  • Longer life of pipes and apparatus.
  • Increased water flow.
  • Savings in cleaning products (is less need).
  • Less environmental pollution.

They are all the same

No, today there are many types of water softeners and there are big differences between them. This implies that the price differences can be vast.

To summarize we can say that there are basically two kinds of water softeners: the descaling without salt or maintenance and descaling salts.

Softeners without salt

They are a kind of metallic tube placed into the general water inlet of the house. Some carry magnets and other minerals just different alloys that are responsible for the minerals, potential difference, are easily removed by water (instead of “stick” to each other and produce calcification).

  • Advantages: Ease of installation; low cost; maintenance free because no need salts; respect the environment.
  • Disadvantages: Less effective as the salts provide more effective softeners.

Softeners salts

The water passes through an ion exchange resins that help excess calcium and magnesium sodium becomes.

  • Advantages: These softeners help us get really “soft” water very effectively. This helps: that our appliances are not calcify; the shower water clean better with less cleaning products; less skin allergies, etc.
  • Disadvantages: Need maintenance to replenish salts; complex installation; they occupy a not inconsiderable space; the price of water softeners have to add the cost of that maintenance; a harder the water that we need more salts; this water, now richer in sodium is not too recommended for certain diseases (hypertension, etc.)

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Do they need revision or maintenance?

If softeners replace them with salts need lime to release retained in the resin and the amount is based on the water consumption of the house.

You also have to change annually coupled filter waste water softener to prevent the pipes are not damaged as having no lime water pH is very low and the water becomes slightly corrosive.

Is there enough one for the entire house?

Normally if although depending on the size of the house and the water hardness is put a bigger water softener (with more capacity of salt).


Really the issue of water softeners is not as simple as it seems so I recommend that you first seek professional advice on any of your trust. The most important thing is to buy what really suits our real need.

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