Healthy Foods

10 delicious foods rich in vegetable protein: Discover them!

rich in vegetable protein
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Quinoa is rich in carbohydrates and fiber, highly recommended for those who want to lose weight. Controls the levels of blood cholesterol and no gluten

When speaking of “protein” we almost instantly in meat and dairy. Now, did you know that there are plant sources that are also very rich in this nutrient in reality?

We must never eliminate or do without the protein in our diet, and even less if we want to lose weight. Thanks to them our cells can regenerate, we obtain the energy needed by our body and can be carried out important metabolic processes.

To lose weight and optimal health is vital to elevate the consumption of vegetable protein: that way you will prevent many diseases, be partial and proper functioning of your organs and also avoid classical tightening sagging skin muscle.

Would you like 10 sources of vegetable protein you should consume more? Take note!

rich in vegetable protein
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1. Algae

Did you know that algae have 10 times more calcium than milk? Considered superfoods, besides being rich in vegetable protein may bring you all these benefits:

  • Seaweeds are nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, vitamin C, phosphorus, potassium, iron, iodine, fiber, sodium …
  • It is best to always consume small amounts but regularly . How about taking them 3 times a week on our salads?
  • Regular consumption of algae help to regulate levels of blood sugar, cleanse the digestive system, purify and alkalize the blood. They are very healthy! However, remember to consume in small quantities.

Protein is essential for our body to perform its basic metabolic functions but did you know that you can lose weight eating more protein? Find out!

2. Almonds

  • Experts tell us that a day can consume 10 to 15 grams of almonds. They are rich in calcium, iron and vegetable, basic proteins, for example for vegetarians.
  • Almonds are also rich in salicylates, i.e. forming salts of salicylic acid aspirin. Thus, if we take regularly can alleviate some bone pain, for example.

3. Beans

  • Who can resist a plate of beans? Just they contain fat and provide us from plant proteins, to fiber and carbohydrates.
  • We can help lower bad LDL cholesterol.
  • Beans improve intestinal transit and adequate to regulate glucose present in the blood.

4. Brown Rice

  • Brown rice is always the healthiest, however, all types of rice are rich in vegetable protein.
  • Have carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and various organic components necessary for the proper functioning and metabolic activity of our body. Combine rice adequately in your dishes and take care of your health.

5. Avena

  • Oatmeal is also considered a superfood. Thanks to its minerals, vitamins and essential amino acids, is one of the foods with the highest biological value.
  • The oats improves digestion: reduced bile acids, improves intestinal transit and gives us a good feeling of satiety. In addition, it’s very rich!
  • It helps to control sugar levels in the blood.

6. Lentils

  • Lentils are rich in nutrients, and are, as you can already guess, one of the most significant sources of plant proteins.
  • Another benefit of lentils is his contribution in fiber and, simultaneously, low lipid content. They are very suitable for weight loss in a healthy way! You get energy, nutrients and no fat. Now, you must adequately combine with other foods.
  • In addition, this pulse is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E, and minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium and sodium. How can you resist?

You may also like to read another article on Natural-Lotion: 10 delicious foods rich in vegetable protein: Discover them!

7. Nuts

Nuts are a treasure of health benefits. You can take between 15 and 30 grams per day and thanks to them; you will get all these properties:

  • Walnuts improve the connection between neurons thanks to its content of polyphenols and other antioxidants.
  • Nuts are part of the Mediterranean diet, preventing cardiovascular disease due to its content in healthy fatty acids.
  • Regular consumption of nuts and almonds reduces hunger, reduces the concentration of substances related to inflammation and puts us in a good mood. Do not forget to take your breakfast for 5 to 7 nuts!

8. Quinoa

  • The quinoa has a very low glycemic index, which allows us to include in our diets to benefit from their vegetable protein, its fiber and its nine essential amino acids. It is very suitable to offer energy!
  • Thanks to its content of unsaturated lipids, Quinoa helps control blood cholesterol levels and prevents cardiovascular problems.
  • Quinoa is gluten free so it is recommended for people with celiac disease.

9. Pistachio

  • Do you like pistachios? Then you can consume each day between 15 and 30 grams. You’ll get a lot of energy, vegetable protein and also will reduce the risk of various cardiovascular diseases.
  • The pistachio is rich monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which helps us to reduce levels of bad cholesterol or LDL in blood. So feel free to enjoy them.

10. Buckwheat

Do you already know the benefits of buckwheat or buckwheat? You can find it in stores or natural dietary section of your supermarket. We explain why you should be consuming:

  • Buckwheat strengthens blood vessels and improves blood circulation, which is useful for those suffering from hemorrhoids and varicose veins.
  • It lowers LDL cholesterol and prevents atherosclerosis.
  • It does not contain gluten.
  • It is suitable for diets and offers a lot of energy and nutrients.

Shall we start to consume today buckwheat? Dare to try it in your recipes! For more reviews visit

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