Beauty Tips

5 Natural treatments for straightening hair

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In addition to helping us to make straight hair, thanks to the properties of these natural products, we will get an extra hydration and it will favor growth.

Most women found for straightening hair it is necessary to use chemicals and harmful elements as the plate. Although certain of these methods are effective and give incredible results, it is demonstrated that in the long run are aggressive and leave damage difficult to repair.

Although some professionals have tried to remedy these effects, there are still complaints about the negative effects of some treatments.

What some of you still do not know is that there are several alternatives that can be applied to the same purpose, but without damaging the hair.

It is of natural origin different treatments, the properties of which smooth the hair and give an extra nutrients.

Are you ready to discover them?

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1. Lemon juice and coconut milk

The combination of lemon and coconut milk gives as a result a natural conditioner that, in addition to giving gloss, smooth gradually the hair, without damaging it.

It contains antioxidants, fatty acids and proteins that inhibit the fall and damage caused by free radicals.


  • 1 lemon
  • cup coconut milk (125 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Squeeze the juice of one lemon and mix it with half a cup of coconut milk.
  • After getting the treatment, moisten the hair and apply the mixture with gentle massage.
  • Let sit for 20 minutes and rinse.
  • Repeat the application two or three times a week.

2. Eggs and olive oil

The protein contained in egg is used in many cosmetic treatments for hair care.

Its action brakes the fall and contributes to the growth of new hair, to obtain an abundant foliage.

In this case we will combine to healthy fats olive oil, in order to obtain smooth hair, shiny and healthy.


  • 2 eggs
  • cup olive oil (57.5 g)

How to prepare it?

  • Beat two eggs and mix vigorously with the olive oil.
  • After getting the balm, apply it on the hair and let stand 30 minutes.
  • Rinse with plenty of water and use it three times a week.

3. Rice flour and egg

The flour rice combined albumen egg serves us as a treatment against excess fat, frizz and split ends. Its nutritional compounds strengthen the root of the hair and help to get a perfect smooth without having to resort to the plate.


  • 1 egg white
  • 5 tablespoons of rice flour (50 gr)

How to prepare it?

  • Beat the egg whites and add it to the rice flour.
  • Dampen the hair and apply the product to cover the whole head.
  • Combed for a few minutes, put a cap and leave on for half an hour.
  • Rinse with shampoo and repeat the process twice a week.

You may also like to read another article on Natural-Lotion: Natural remedies to fight dandruff and dry fat

4. Coconut, corn and starch

This natural cream combines the properties of fresh coconut with oats powder and cornstarch.

Their nutrients not only manage to smooth the hair, but also regulate the pH of the scalp and promote hair growth.


  • coconut fresh
  • 1 tablespoon of oat powder (10 g)
  • 1 spoon of starch (10 g)
  • cup of milk (125 ml)

How to prepare it?

  • Grated fresh coconut and put it in the blender, along with oat powder and milk.
  • You not only thoroughly and pour into a suitable container and heated on a low flame.
  • Dilute the corn flour with a little ‘of water and add it to the mixture.
  • Stir with a wooden spoon until you obtain a creamy consistency.
  • Wait for it to cool and apply it all over the hair, with gentle massage.
  • Cover with a headset and let stand for an hour.
  • Rinse and repeat the application three times a week.

5. Olive oil and jasmine oil

Essential oils repair the hair from dryness and weakness, nourish the roots and encourage growth. In this treatment we combine the olive oil with a little ‘of jasmine oil and conditioner to achieve a smoothing and nourishing cream.


  • 3 tablespoons olive oil (48 g)
  • 3 capsules of oil of jasmine
  • 2 tablespoons ammonia balm (30 gr)

How to prepare it?

  • Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix until a smooth cream.
  • Roll it on the hair after applying the shampoo and leave on for 20 minutes.
  • Rinsed and combed immediately without using the hair dryer.
  • Use this cream twice a week.

Ready to show off a new look without damaging your hair? Although for obvious reasons, results are slow compared to conventional methods, it is worth trying.

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