Skin Care Wedding Care

Tips to have radiant skin on your wedding day

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Today I share with you some aesthetic of advice to keep you glowing on your wedding day. All you have terror of a grain situation that appears in the middle of your beautiful face, at the wrong day, but, tell me, are you doing something that does not happen?

Many brides are killed on a diet, cosmetics, facials and others a month or a week before the wedding. They are not many, but later, friend … If you want your skin is radiant, you have to start to take care of as soon as possible.

Wedding Care
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I do not say by vanity, but I got divine (and I was terrified the famous granite) to my great day, thanks to my beautician, so I want to share the secrets that she was giving me:

  • Good food: It is a misconception that fat guard is only for plump brides. If you have a privileged body and you do not have to lose weight before the wedding, but you have bad skin, there is your alarm signal chocolate or chips. No delete them, but moderators, take plenty of fluids, avoid alcohol and I consumed more fruits and vegetables, you will see how your skin will begin to notice.
  • Beware of weather: If you marry near the summer, for example, prevents scorching sun of summer or using high protective factor. In winter, your skin well hydrated with moisturizers, do not let it dry.
  • Aesthetic treatments: There are several treatments facial cleansers or scrubs that you can do to look better. If you have sensitive skin, see a dermatologist before. Never have you faced these treatments with very short notice to the wedding.
  • Visit a dermatologist: I just mention it. If yours transcends isolated granite or a simple dry winter and never went to a specialist, maybe this is the time to get advice, to take care not only beauty, but also the health of your skin.
  • Creams and cosmetics, a good ally: If you never paid attention to these products, this is the year to start using them. I recommend that, in the morning and at night, use a cleanser to remove impurities and then a moisturizer. With this little habit you will soon notice changes.
  • Watch your hands and your neck: Not only do you have to take care of the face. If your dress is going to be notched, moisturizes and exfoliates the skin of your neck and neck regularly, the day to show off the wedding. Do not forget your hands, which should be beautiful, do not let it dry out or get hurt.
  • Do not try anything new at the last minute: To look a divine makeup, skin needs to be healthy and smooth. Any cosmetic treatment as a peeling, or waxing leaves skin irritated for a few days. I recommend that if you are going to make a peel, do one month before the wedding, if you are going to shave his face, which is two weeks before, or at the most. Do not eat new things or expose yourself to possible allergies.

If still, after so much care, there is a small flaw, do not panic. Your makeup will be your great ally it is therefore important to choose a good professional in this field.

However, better than she is, miracles do not, therefore, you need not be left and you start caring for your skin as you can … to be even more beautiful than you are!

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