Healthy Foods

The benefits of apricot

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On other occasions, we had analyzed the benefits of some of the most common summer fruits such as cantaloupe or watermelon. This time it’s the turn apricot, a fruit with very interesting properties. As you know, it is important to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables each day, varying food, so we are interested today apricot.

What does the apricot makes it so interesting?

Antioxidants: Apricot contains different varieties of antioxidants, especially family of flavonoids. These elements allow prevent certain chronic diseases, certain cancers and cardiovascular diseases in general.

Carotenoids: These very recognizable pigments (orange color) are found in large quantities in carrots, but are also present in fruits like melon, or in the case, that concerns us today, apricot, especially in the skin of the fruit. The beta-carotene contained in that fruit has the ability to transform into vitamin A in our body. Interestingly, carotenoids are better absorbed in our body when ingested together with a small amount of fat.

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Fibers: A serving of 100 grams of fresh apricot contains about 2 grams of fiber. It is not a huge amount, but represents between 6% and 8% of the recommended daily intake. And the fibers are very useful in preventing colon cancer, constipation and digestive problems in general.

It also contains vitamin A, iron and copper, to name a few of the elements and most important nutrients. The energy level is primarily a source of carbohydrates, with about 11 grams per 100. relatively little protein contains (1.5g) and fat (0.4g).

Is fresh or dried apricot?

Since apricot is a seasonal fruit which is characterized to also be consumed in its dry version (like plums, grapes and other nuts), it is interesting to ask whether more worthwhile eating fresh or dried.

You may also like to read another article on Natural-Lotion: 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day

Generally, the composition of both fruits (fresh and dried) is the same, except for its water content. That has an effect on satiety which makes it much easier would eat large amounts of dried fruit fresh fruit. As the apricot is an important source of sugar, one must know not abuse the ingested amounts.

Apricot has a higher concentration of elements (because no water), so it is considered a source of iron or copper apricot, and the same goes for many elements except vitamin C, which appears in the fresh fruit.

The ideal is probably consume fresh apricots during the season (varying with other fruits, of course), and off-season, it may be interesting to integrate diet dried apricot, always changing with other foods, of course. We do not forget that we need never varied contributions from different sources.

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