Health Care

How to lower fever naturally?

Lower the fever
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“We can put wet clothes on the forehead to cool the head and neck and make the patient feel better. The change regularly, as often as necessary”.

Especially when it comes to children, many parents do not want to take drugs when they have a fever.So, nothing better than to consider some recommendations to reduce fever naturally.

Lower the fever
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Tips to reduce fever

If you havea feveror if any member of the family demonstrates hotter than usual, then you must:

  • Place wet socks ankle:This works great in small.Just be a little wet and place covering this part of the body.When dry, repeat the procedure, but that does not leak and water.This creates relief and makes children calm down.
  • Taking a warm or hot bath:Staying in the shower a few minutes, the temperature will drop gradually to notice less change.
  • Drink plenty of water: Because fever equals dehydration, as the body’s response against organisms alien to him.Therefore, drink water, tea orjuiceis a good idea, especially if the picture is completed by vomiting or diarrhea.The amounts depend on the age of the patient (3 liters for adult men, 2.2 for women and 1.5 liters in children).
  • Cool head and neck: With cold packs or wet.Repeat as necessary when the canvas dried or too hot.
  • Do not eat too much food:Maybe it is healthy liquids likevegetable soup or tea.Thus, the body will recover easily and quickly.If you are hungry, not full, but every few hours eating some food.

Home remedies for fever

These recipes can be effective if you have fever, although it is always best to consult with experts (e.g. herbal or natural medicine)

  • Raisin tea: Place 1-cup raisins and 7 of water to boil in a saucepan.When it breaks the boil, simmer until the liquid is reduced by one third.Turn off heat, let cool and drink half a cup several times a day.
  • Sage tea: This herb allows sweat and fever.In a cup, put boiling water and some sage leaves.Cover with a lid and leave for ten minutes.Add honey, sugar or stevia, as well as a few tablespoons oflemon juice.
  • Lettuce tea: A good choice to stay hydrated.This plant contains much potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.Boil one liter of water; pour into a bowl of whole plant lettuce.Leave for fifteen minutes.Strain preparation.Add sweetener of choice.Drink before it gets cold.
  • Get ice cream:This is a remedy that all children like them.Containing sugar is beneficial in these cases, besides being cold.Reduce heat and add moisture to the body, as well as an incentive. For more healthy tips visit
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