Health Care

5 steps to better hearing

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Hearing is arguably one of our most important senses. It allows us to communicate with those around us, listen out for important sounds to keep us safe, and enjoy music and the sounds of nature.

Those experiencing hearing loss may experience sounds being more muffled, a ringing in the ears – also known as tinnitus – or they may struggle to follow a conversation if there is also background noise present, according to the NHS.

Fortunately, there are numerous things we can all do to take care of our hearing. Let’s have a look at our top five suggestions.

Regular hearing checks

Going for a regular hearing test is the single most important thing you can do for your auditory health. By going for a hearing test Cheltenham or your nearest location, you can have a full health check of your ears and hearing. The tests are non-invasive and painless. Audiologists such as can diagnose any problems and give you a personalised treatment plan to look after your hearing.

Check for wax

We all have earwax – it keeps the ear canal clean and prevents debris from entering further. Occasionally, it causes blockages which muffle sounds. An audiologist can check and remove it safely – don’t use cotton buds to try and free the wax as this can make it worse.

Stopping smoking

It may surprise you to learn that stopping smoking will improve your hearing – nicotine can impede oxygen flow, damaging your hearing.


An interesting way to improve your hearing is actually to meditate. Relaxing and taking deep breaths improves your brain’s oxygen levels, which in turn improves your hearing.

Don’t have things on too loud

Ensuring you aren’t surrounded by extremely loud noises can also improve your hearing. If you have a job which involves loud noises, such as a factory, ensure you ask for noise reduction headphones. Make sure your television volume or any musical instruments aren’t turned up too high, since this can damage the delicate inner ear.

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